Tanks are typically melee and have high defenses, but lower damage output. Fragile marksmen must work hard to stay at range and survive this requires skilled movement, careful target selection, and foresight. They are characterized by abilities and passives that augment or complement their basic attacks.

Marksmen ( attack damage carries, ADC) primarily use their ranged basic attacks to deal sustained physical damage to single targets, termed damage-per-second ( DPS). This class encompasses a wide variety of playstyles some mages snipe and control from afar, while others prefer to get in the thick of things. They are typically ranged, and have lower defenses to balance their offensive capability. Mages ( ability power carries, APC) are powerful spell-casters who use their abilities to deal magic damage and disrupt enemies. Now that you understand damage terms, let's explore the classes: All basic attacks deal physical damage, whether it's with fists, swords, fireballs, bullets, or bolts of arcane power. For example, Sejuani's Arctic Assault, an ability where she physically collides with her target, deals magic damage. 'Magic' and 'physical' are merely game terms, and are not related to the action a champion is performing. It cannot be mitigated, whereas physical and magical damage can.

Ranged champions fire a homing attack projectile. Champions automatically attack enemies in range, and attack continuously until commanded otherwise. A basic attack ( auto attack, AA) is performed by right-clicking an enemy.Each one has unique abilities, purpose, strengths, and weaknesses.Ĭhampions begin each match at level 1, and grow in power with each level, up to a maximum of level 18.Įach champion has a basic attack, a passive, and 4 abilities: Champions are player-controlled characters.